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What is Vigenere

Same key encryption method: Same key encryption method is used to substitute individual plaintext letters with substituted encrypted letters by using a key which can be another word or digit, so that the intended meaning of the original plaintext can be hidden.

Vigenere is also a type of Caesar Cipher also known as Shift Cipher. Vigenere cipher uses symmetric encryption alogoritham to encrypt message. It uses an additional keyword which can be number or digit to encrypt text. It first finds the sum of ASCII codes of all chracters of the keyword and perform modulus operation on it to obtain encryption key. Then that key is used to replace each character by adding the key number to every single letter of plain text message to obtain encrypted message

Security and Applications.

Vigenere is not a very secure way of generating encrypted text because each encrypted text can be decrypted using the same key.

It can be easily breakable using brute force attack. Therefore this type of cipher is not reccomended for highly sensitive data encryption

It is mainly used in news forums, online blogs etc. Vigenere cipher is widley used to design games for kids to teach them problem solving at early age.

How to Use Encoding / Decoding tool?

Encode Text

  1. Enter your desired text into the input box.
  2. Enter key value into the small input box.
  3. Click on encode button to view encrypted text.
  4. Encrypted text will be displayed in the ouput box.
  5. Use Clear button to clear the form.



Decode Text

  1. Enter the text into the decoder input box.
  2. Enter key value into the small input box.
  3. Click on decode button to view decrypted text.
  4. Decoded text will be displayed in the output box.
  5. Use clear button to clear the form.

